Sunday, July 5, 2009

Painting Notes - July 4

Started three paintings today. There were five things that were recommended during the residency that I tried to keep in mind: state of mind/barometer; larger format; larger brushes; limited palette; one canvas to work on for long period of time.

Barometer: Rushed, "perfectionist", annoyed with working space.
Size: I picked 52x52, 42x63 (long painting); 42x34.
Brushes: Ran into some issue with the brushes -- I have one decent large brush, and I have been using muffin pans to mix my colors and need bigger containers
Palette: It was HARD to restrain myself. I felt hesitant.

So, the big successes were getting started, re-organizing my studio (removed the L from my office desk and a storage cabinet to give me another wall for painting), managing to find 3-hours on a holiday weekend while spending time with my family, prepping for a cookout, and showing my rental home to potential tenants.

It was harder than expected to "follow the rules". I work so intuitively, and I felt a little blocked and rebellious. That's okay, though. I'm just trying some different approaches to see what will happen. I usually finish my paintings in one or two sessions. I'm interested to see what happens to these three paintings as I go back to them over the next week or two.

Here are the results:

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